Navigating Bureaucratic Challenges in SEC Whistleblower Case

Vincent B. Le Corre
Fwd: FOIA Request 23-00030-FOPA - Request for identification
Date sent: February 8, 2023, 22:38 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Edward Lehman,
Mahonri Manjarrez (FBI language specialist),
Adam Rogalski (Legal Attaché/State Department),
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Note: since Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski told me on 2021-09-20 that he was “one of the FBI representatives,” I assume that this communication was transferred to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Earlier tonight, I sent this email since I didn’t hear from the SEC since November 2022. I guess maybe it’s because I am a foreigner.
If you read carefully, you will see that I first sent my request under FOIA and they changed it to a FOPA.
So, under FOPA I can not get a copy of the SEC report I submitted in 2015, but Mr. Lehman can get a copy under FOIA? And I get a copy under FOIA of other people’s submissions but not my own?
Forwarded message:
From: Vincent Le Corre [REDACTED]
To: Churchman, Tina ChurchmanT@SEC.GOV
Subject: Re: FOIA Request 23-00030-FOPA - Request for identification
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2023 19:39:27 +0800
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2023-02-08_2238_0800_Fwd_FOIA_Request_23-00030-FOPA-Request_for_identification.pdfDear Ms. Churchman,
If and only if I am not mistaken, I never heard from the SEC since I submitted my request which “was changed from a Freedom of Information Act request (23-00270-FOIA) to a Freedom of Information Act /Privacy Act request and assigned a new number (23-00030-FOPA).”
Could you please let me know what is happened and/or what happened?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Vincent Le Corre
On 11 Nov 2022, at 2:26, Churchman, Tina wrote:
Mr. Le Corre,
Thank you for the verification of identity information. Since you are requesting your own records, your request was changed from a Freedom of Information Act request (23-00270-FOIA) to a Freedom of Information Act /Privacy Act request
and assigned a new number (23-00030-FOPA). Note, all correspondence concerning this request will be processed under 22-00030-FOPA.
Further, in response to your November 9, 2022, email (attached) to Ms. Smith concerning the misspelling of your last name and what might have happened to your complaint back in 2015. The system has been amended to reflect the correct
spelling to “Le Corre”. We will consult with the program office that receives whistleblower complaint for any records regarding yourself (Vincent Le Corre), we will advise you of our findings as soon as we have a response.
In the interim, please contact me if you have any questions.
Tina Churchman
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
the Office of Support Operations (OSO)
Station Place II, 100 F. Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549
From: Vincent Le Corre [REDACTED] Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2022 9:59 PM
To: Churchman, Tina ChurchmanT@SEC.GOV
Subject: Re: FOIA Request 23-00030-FOPA - Request for identificationCAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Ms. Churchman,
I completed the form “Request for Individual Access to Records under the Privacy Act” by following the link you provided.
- I was asked an SEC Request No. and I entered 23-00030-FOPA. I want to clarify which number I entered since I was also given another number which is 23-00270-FOIA.
- Date signer is November 10, 2022. I can’t enter the time nor the time zone. I am currently in China and I hope there won’t be any technical glitch since it’s currently November 9, 2022 in Washington D.C.
In addition, please respond to this email and attach a copy of a government issued photo identification (e.g. driver’s license, passport) in order for this office to verify your identity.
There 5 files attached to this email:
carteconsulaire.png: my carte d’immatriculation consulaire issued by the French Embassy in China. Note that it doesn’t display my 2nd first name (kind of what you might call in the United State a Middle name.
FrenchID.jpg: my French ID card. Expired.
IMG_0002.jpg: my French passport. Expired.
My Chinese foreign permanent resident ID card (what some people call a green card in the United States): It shows my French name and my Chinese name.
My Chinese driver’s license: it show my Chinese name only but there is my address in Taiyuan city, Shanxi province, China.
I hope this is enough and it’s all I have I think.
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,
Vincent Le Corre
On 10 Nov 2022, at 1:04, Churchman, Tina wrote:
Mr. Le Corre
This email is in reference to your Privacy Act request 23-00030-FOPA dated and received in this office on November 8, 2022, for the complaint to the Office of the Whistleblower concerning McDonald’s Corporation
you submitted between November and December 2015.
After reviewing your request we have determined that for continued processing it is necessary for you to complete the form: | Request for Individual Access to Records under the Privacy Act.
This form must be submitted if you are seeking records about yourself and would like them to be disclosed solely to you. Unless you complete and submit this form, we cannot process your request.
In addition, please respond to this email and attach a copy of a government issued photo identification (e.g. driver’s license, passport) in order for this office to verify your identity.
Please provide such documentation to this office at no later than November 21, 2022. If we do not hear from you by that date, we will assume that you are no longer interested in the records and we will close your request without further notice to you.
If you have any questions, please contact me at or (202) 551-8330. You may also contact me at or (202) 551-7900.
Tina L. Churchman
U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
the Office of Support Operations (OSO)
Station Place II, 100 F. Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20549
(202) 551-8330
To gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.